
글로벌 링크

Jinju-si Council prior to integration

홈으로 Introduction of Council History of the Council Jinju-si Council prior to integration

Jinju-si Council prior to integration

According to the Act of Local Government Act enacted and proclaimed on July, 4th, 1949 and Article 1 of its additional rule, it had to be executed by the local government from August 15th, the same year, but it had to be postponed due to the political and social circumstances and finally, on April 25th, 1952, the election of organizing local coincil for nationwide si/eup/myeon was executed while the members of Seoul Metropolitan City Council and Provincial Councils were executed on May 10th, proving the preclude of local government system, the origin of grass-roots democracy.

First Council (Jinju-si Concil, Jinyang-gun myeon Council) (1952∼1956)

In the first election on April, 25th, 1952, 18 election districts of three cities including Busan, Masan and Jinju and 717 election districts of 19 guns including Jinyang-gun and 239 eup/myeons were held to totally elect 3,017 council members, in which Jinju-si held 71 candidates in 5 regional districts, 20 of which were successfully elected; For Jinyang-gun, 377 candidates in 16 myeons and 48 regional districts were run for the election, resulting in 184 members, which is the number of Jinyang-gun council.

Second Council (Jinju-si Concil, Jinyang-gun myeon Council) (1956∼1960)

On August 8th, 1956, the si/eup/myeon council elections were simultaneously held together with the elections for the mayor, eup/myeon heads; the local council elections were held because of the expiry but the elections for the mayor, eup/myeon heads were the first time in the country. In the province, 715 election districts consisting of 40 regional districts from 6 cities including Busan, Masan, Jinju, Chungmu, Jinhae and Samcheonpo and 675 regional districts from 19 guns and 231 eups/myeons were held, resulting in 2,746 council members of si/gun/eup council; especially, Jinju-si had 15 council members in 6 regional election districts from 32 candicates while Jinyang-gun/myeon council resulted 175 members from 16 myeons and 48 regional election districts out of 218 candidates.

Third Council (Jinju-si Concil, Jinyang-gun myeon Council) (1960∼1961)

On the year when the 2nd republic was established, the government promoted the election of local government bodies. On December, 19th, 1060, the election of local councils of si, eup and myeon were held, electing 2,754 members of the councils from 754 regional election districts consisting of 37 districts from 6 cities including Busan, Masan, Jinju, Chungmu, Jinhae and Samcheonpo and 717 districts from 233 eups/myeons; especially, Jinju-si council had 6 districts and 15 members were elected from 42 candidates while Jinyang-gun had 176 members of myeon council from 49 districts of 16 mydons.

City/Gund Council (4th Jinju-si Council, 1st Jinyang-gun Council) (1991∼1995)

Owing to 5.16 Revolution, every local councils had to be broken up as the new militarists proclaimed No.4 Decree on 8 P.M. May 16th, 1961, from which the local government and council system had to discontinue after 10 years of the enactment.

For 30 years since then, the local council might not be reorganized while the rights of council had been acted by the higher competent institutions. Then, as the Local Government Act No. 4310 as of December 31st, 1990 was enacted and proclaimed, the election of si/gun/gu local councils, the local bodies was held.

According to the Local Council Election Act and the Decree on Gyeongsangnam-do Si/Gun Council Election Districts and the Number of Members for Election Districts, the election districts of si/gun/gu were confirmed as eup/myeon/dong(Administrative dong according to Para.5, Article 4 of the Local Government Act), and the quota of members was based on one per eup/myeon/dong with additional member incremented per every 20 thousand inhabitants. Therefore, Jinju-si had 22 election districts excluding two dongs; Namseong-dong and Daean-dong, where no member of council was assigned and each two additional members from Sanbongseo-dong, Sangdae i(2)-dong and Pyeonggeo-dong, consequently electing 27 members from 63 candidates; in Jinyang-gun was elevated from the existing myeon council to gun council, in which 16 members from each election district were elected from 40 candidates.